Bayleys Real Estate Ltd
Property Services
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Why choose auctions?

While auctions may seem intimidating to those who have not gone through the process before, they are a straightforward way to buy and sell property in an open environment and your real estate agent will guide you through the process.

  1. The auction method of sale is a highly effective way of creating buyer competition to ensure that the best possible price is achieved.

  2. Our auction team has a proven track record, and can provide crucial experience and negotiation skills to maximise value for all parties.

  3. The auction process places a time frame on the sale. This, in turn, instils urgency into the minds of the prospective purchasers and allows the vendor to determine the terms and conditions.

  4. When a property is sold at auction, the sale is unconditional, a 10% deposit is paid and settlement date is pre-determined.

  5. Auction is the only way of creating open transparent competition between buyers to drive the price upwards

We are locally owned and operated which means we're always on the ground to make things happen quickly.